Artifact Correction by AJDC-based Blind Source Separation

Blind source separation (BSS) based on approximate joint diagonalization of Fourier cospectra (AJDC), applied to artifact correction of EEG [1].

# Authors: Quentin Barthélemy & David Ojeda.
# EEG signal kindly shared by Marco Congedo.
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import gzip
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mne import create_info
from import RawArray
from mne.viz import plot_topomap
from mne.preprocessing import ICA
from scipy.signal import welch

from pyriemann.spatialfilters import AJDC
from pyriemann.utils.viz import plot_cospectra
def read_header(fname):
    """Read the header of sample-blinks.txt"""
    with, 'rt') as f:
        content = f.readline().split()
        return content[:-1], int(content[-1])

Load EEG data

fname = '../data/sample-blinks.txt.gz'
signal_raw = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=1).T
ch_names, sfreq = read_header(fname)
ch_count = len(ch_names)
duration = signal_raw.shape[1] / sfreq

Channel space

# Plot signal X
ch_info = create_info(ch_names=ch_names, ch_types=['eeg'] * ch_count,
signal = RawArray(signal_raw, ch_info, verbose=False)
signal.plot(duration=duration, start=0, n_channels=ch_count,
            scalings={'eeg': 3e1}, color={'eeg': 'steelblue'},
            title='Original EEG signal', show_scalebars=False)
plot correct ajdc EEG
<MNEBrowseFigure size 800x800 with 4 Axes>

AJDC: Second-Order Statistics (SOS)-based BSS, diagonalizing cospectra

# Compute and diagonalize Fourier cospectral matrices between 1 and 32 Hz
window, overlap = sfreq, 0.5
fmin, fmax = 1, 32
ajdc = AJDC(window=window, overlap=overlap, fmin=fmin, fmax=fmax, fs=sfreq,
            dim_red={'max_cond': 100})[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, ...])
freqs = ajdc.freqs_

# Plot cospectra in channel space, after trace-normalization by frequency: each
# cospectrum, associated to a frequency, is a covariance matrix
plot_cospectra(ajdc._cosp_channels, freqs, ylabels=ch_names,
               title='Cospectra, in channel space')
Cospectra, in channel space, 1.0 Hz, 2.0 Hz, 3.0 Hz, 4.0 Hz, 5.0 Hz, 6.0 Hz, 7.0 Hz, 8.0 Hz, 9.0 Hz, 10.0 Hz, 11.0 Hz, 12.0 Hz, 13.0 Hz, 14.0 Hz, 15.0 Hz, 16.0 Hz, 17.0 Hz, 18.0 Hz, 19.0 Hz, 20.0 Hz, 21.0 Hz, 22.0 Hz, 23.0 Hz, 24.0 Hz, 25.0 Hz, 26.0 Hz, 27.0 Hz, 28.0 Hz, 29.0 Hz, 30.0 Hz, 31.0 Hz, 32.0 Hz
Condition numbers:
 array([  1.        ,   2.29766117,   4.09457756,   4.86981696,
         6.09760458,   9.15865458,  13.21748535,  17.74436118,
        26.1024296 ,  27.31744246,  33.78134725,  45.22515539,
        50.61007053,  60.36895283,  73.48533473,  74.73247287,
        92.15600097, 121.30282659, 164.52162547])
Dimension reduction of Whitening on 17 components

<Figure size 1200x700 with 32 Axes>
# Plot diagonalized cospectra in source space
sr_count = ajdc.n_sources_
sr_names = ['S' + str(s).zfill(2) for s in range(sr_count)]
plot_cospectra(ajdc._cosp_sources, freqs, ylabels=sr_names,
               title='Diagonalized cospectra, in source space')
Diagonalized cospectra, in source space, 1.0 Hz, 2.0 Hz, 3.0 Hz, 4.0 Hz, 5.0 Hz, 6.0 Hz, 7.0 Hz, 8.0 Hz, 9.0 Hz, 10.0 Hz, 11.0 Hz, 12.0 Hz, 13.0 Hz, 14.0 Hz, 15.0 Hz, 16.0 Hz, 17.0 Hz, 18.0 Hz, 19.0 Hz, 20.0 Hz, 21.0 Hz, 22.0 Hz, 23.0 Hz, 24.0 Hz, 25.0 Hz, 26.0 Hz, 27.0 Hz, 28.0 Hz, 29.0 Hz, 30.0 Hz, 31.0 Hz, 32.0 Hz
<Figure size 1200x700 with 32 Axes>

Source space

# Estimate sources S applying forward filters B to signal X: S = B X
source_raw = ajdc.transform(signal_raw[np.newaxis, ...])[0]

# Plot sources S
sr_info = create_info(ch_names=sr_names, ch_types=['misc'] * sr_count,
source = RawArray(source_raw, sr_info, verbose=False)
source.plot(duration=duration, start=0, n_channels=sr_count,
            scalings={'misc': 2e2}, title='EEG sources estimated by AJDC',
plot correct ajdc EEG
<MNEBrowseFigure size 800x800 with 4 Axes>

Artifact identification

# Identify artifact by eye: blinks are well separated in source S0
blink_idx = 0

# Get normal spectrum, ie power spectrum after trace-normalization
blink_spectrum_norm = ajdc._cosp_sources[:, blink_idx, blink_idx]
blink_spectrum_norm /= np.linalg.norm(blink_spectrum_norm)

# Get absolute spectrum, ie raw power spectrum of the source
f, spectrum = welch(source.get_data(picks=[blink_idx]), fs=sfreq,
                    nperseg=window, noverlap=int(window * overlap))
blink_spectrum_abs = spectrum[0, (f >= fmin) & (f <= fmax)]
blink_spectrum_abs /= np.linalg.norm(blink_spectrum_abs)

# Get topographic map
blink_filter = ajdc.backward_filters_[:, blink_idx]

# Plot spectrum and topographic map of the blink source separated by AJDC
fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(12, 5))
axs[0].set(title='Power spectrum of the blink source estimated by AJDC',
           xlabel='Frequency (Hz)', ylabel='Power spectral density')
axs[0].plot(freqs, blink_spectrum_abs, label='Absolute power')
axs[0].plot(freqs, blink_spectrum_norm, label='Normal power')
axs[1].set_title('Topographic map of the blink source estimated by AJDC')
plot_topomap(blink_filter, pos=ch_info, axes=axs[1], extrapolate='box')
Power spectrum of the blink source estimated by AJDC, Topographic map of the blink source estimated by AJDC

Artifact correction by BSS denoising

# BSS denoising: blink source is suppressed in source space using activation
# matrix D, and then applying backward filters A to come back to channel space
# Denoised signal: Xd = A D S
signal_denois_raw = ajdc.inverse_transform(source_raw[np.newaxis, ...],

# Plot denoised signal Xd
signal_denois = RawArray(signal_denois_raw, ch_info, verbose=False)
signal_denois.plot(duration=duration, start=0, n_channels=ch_count,
                   scalings={'eeg': 3e1}, color={'eeg': 'steelblue'},
                   title='Denoised EEG signal by AJDC', show_scalebars=False)
plot correct ajdc EEG
<MNEBrowseFigure size 800x800 with 4 Axes>

Comparison with Independent Component Analysis (ICA)

# Infomax-based ICA is a Higher-Order Statistics (HOS)-based BSS, minimizing
# mutual information
ica = ICA(n_components=ajdc.n_sources_, method='infomax', random_state=42), picks='eeg')

# Plot sources separated by ICA
ica.plot_sources(signal, title='EEG sources estimated by ICA')

# Can you find the blink source?
plot correct ajdc EEG
/home/docs/checkouts/ RuntimeWarning: The data has not been high-pass filtered. For good ICA performance, it should be high-pass filtered (e.g., with a 1.0 Hz lower bound) before fitting ICA., picks='eeg')
Fitting ICA to data using 19 channels (please be patient, this may take a while)
Selecting by number: 17 components

Fitting ICA took 0.2s.
Creating RawArray with float64 data, n_channels=17, n_times=1408
    Range : 0 ... 1407 =      0.000 ...    10.992 secs

<MNEBrowseFigure size 800x800 with 4 Axes>
# Plot topographic maps of sources separated by ICA
ica.plot_components(title='Topographic maps of EEG sources estimated by ICA')
Topographic maps of EEG sources estimated by ICA, ICA000, ICA001, ICA002, ICA003, ICA004, ICA005, ICA006, ICA007, ICA008, ICA009, ICA010, ICA011, ICA012, ICA013, ICA014, ICA015, ICA016
<MNEFigure size 975x967 with 17 Axes>


Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 10.040 seconds)

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